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The Surprising Key to Satisfying Employees and Customers


Although you probably already know that customer satisfaction drives a successful business; some statistics from a recent survey might surprise you. A firm called AchieveGlobal polled 5,550 consumers around the world and also performed interviews with employees who were ranked as providing excellent customer service.

The results found that customers would rather be treated with respect and have their issues listened to carefully, rather than getting an immediate resolution to their problem.

It’s worthwhile to keep those ideals in mind while exploring ways to empower your employees and handle unsatisfied customers appropriately. Learn more about the importance of customer satisfaction, on this website:

Keep reading for more details.

Be Aware of Social Media’s Reach

Now, more than ever, customers turn to social media to convey their positive and negative experiences when dealing with a business. This means that you can no longer hope that a problem won’t have a lasting impact. If a customer has a broad enough reach, they could potentially influence hundreds of others to look elsewhere when considering doing business with your company.

It’s also important to be careful how your company is portrayed on social media websites. Strive to offer universal messaging by having a few select employees manage the distributed messages.

Recognize the Signs

In order to lead your company effectively, it’s important to teach your employees how to recognize a customer’s emotional response to a problem. Sometimes, an issue can get blown out of proportion if a customer is going through a difficult time in their life, and decides to take it out on your employees. In these cases, teach everyone to respond by offering concern without letting the conversation go off course.

By visiting this website you can understand why the presence of your company on social media is important.

It’ll be helpful if your employees can spot emotional responses in their coworkers, too. During large projects or transition periods, tensions often run high and cause people to lash out unexpectedly.

Plan to hold a few sessions aimed at teaching your staff members not only how to recognize an emotionally driven response, but also tackle it appropriately. By spending just a few hours focusing on these concepts, you can help your company manage customer concerns, and help your employees use teamwork to achieve objectives more efficiently.

Attend to the Team

Dealing with customers on a daily basis can be difficult, especially if they don’t always have a sunny disposition. If you’ve noticed that morale is dropping among employees, take a moment to consider their own emotional needs, as well.

Mental strain makes it harder your employees to do their job effectively, and could cause customer service levels to drop. In the AchieveGlobal study, respondents often felt dissatisfied by things like canned responses, being transferred to different departments, or waiting on hold for a long period of time. Unfortunately, some of these factors are outside the control of your employees, especially if customers aren’t very descriptive when detailing the scope of their problem.

Help your employees relieve stress by giving them a few precious moments outside of their usual working environment. As a starting point, contact a massage therapist to get information about scheduling massages at the office. Alternatively, take everyone out for lunch at a favorite local restaurant and do it in stages, so that you don’t have to leave your office unattended.

Together, awareness and a willingness to fix the problem can work wonders in ensuring that emotional needs are met within your customers and employees. As it turns out, effective leadership could tie into these factors, too. Make the effort, and watch satisfaction levels rise.

Learn more about the factors that greatly impact your customer’s satisfaction with your service or product, on this website:

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